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Begonia (Large size)

17,00 € +Vat.
Price incl. VAT :   20,14 €
Product Code :   6100

Begonia; Begonias like water, while some sources suggest that you do not wet the leaves while watering, while others recommend water fountains from time to time to keep the moisture in an ideal balance. Excessive irrigation will damage the plant. It needs to be done regularly. Begonia grows in shade or semi-shade environments. The need for sun is close to minimum. He especially enjoys the morning sun. It does not want direct sunlight but does not say no to direct sunlight for 2-3 hours a day during full bloom. So begonia does not want to remain unlit, it will grow better only if it does not touch the sun too much. If there is more leaf fall in your plant, this may be related to the desire of the sun. In this case, you can protect your plant by taking it to a bright area that does not see the sun. Want to be protected from extreme cold in winter. It should not be left below 15 degrees in winter. It needs little watering in winter.

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